Unravel’ın Trophy Listesi Yayınlandı!

Unravel'ın Trophy Listesi

Ubisoft tarafından geliştirilen ve bizleri ilginç diyarlara götürecek olan Unravel’ın trophy listesi yayınlandı. Yayınlanan trophylere bakınca bizleri birçok maceranın beklediğini söyleyebilirim.

İşte Unravel’ın Trophy Listesi:


  • The Red thread: Collect all trophies


  • Renewed: Mend a broken bond
  • Snowfall: Clear all the snowy branches in one go
  • Pacifist: Make it through the mire in one go without swatting any mosquitoes
  • Pathfinder: Make it to the water wheel without using a log raft
  • Not so fragile after all: Finish each level from start to finish without dying
  • The end is not the end: Find the other broken half piece
  • No stone unturned: Find every secret


  • Undaunted: Find the secret in the crushing zapping death machine
  • Get a clew: Get the secret hidden in the mountain maze
  • Obsessive: Break all the ice on the way to the letterbox in one go
  • Eagle eye: Find the secret hidden in the tree tops where you fly
  • Reckless: Find the secret in the engine room
  • Gardener: Tear down all the thistles in one go
  • Dig where you stand: Use the excavator to find a secret
  • Flow: Use your lasso to jump between 25 different points without touching the ground


  • Cold but warm: Find the eighth missing piece
  • Reach out: Find the seventh missing piece
  • Shut down: Steal the sixth missing piece back
  • Scarred earth: Find the sixth missing piece
  • Everlasting: Find the fifth missing piece
  • Walkabout: Find the fourth missing piece
  • Found at last: Find the third missing piece
  • Watch the waves: Find the second missing piece
  • Missing piece: Find the first missing piece
  • Time will catch up: Find a broken half piece
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