PS4 ve PC platformları için geliştirilen ve çıkışına sayılı günler kalan No Man’s Sky’ın trophy listesi yayınlandı. Trophy listesini ise internet üzerinden $1300 ödeyerek No Man’s Sky oyununa erken erişen hayran yayınladı. İşte No Man’s Sky’ın trophy listesi:
- A Scanner Darkly
- A Space Odyssey
- Babel-17
- Citizen of the Galaxy
- Contact
- Foundation
- Galapagos
- Have Spacesuit – Will Travel
- Pattern for Conquest
- Stranger in a Strange Land
- Symphony For A Lost Traveler
- The Diamond Age
- The Forever War
- The Languages of Pao
- The Longest Voyage
- The Sentinel
- The Space Merchants
- The Star Beast
- The Stars, Like Dust
- Total Perspective Vortex
- Use of Weapons
- What Mad Universe
- Who Goes there?
- Uploaded Discoveries
- Exploring Space
- Accruing Units
- Collecting Words
- Alien Colonist Encounters
- Destroying Ships
- Lifespan
- On-Foot Exploration